Saturday, February 27, 2016

Present Continuous

 (you send) an email to Bill now?
 (not go) to work today.
Helen  (not want) a new job.
 (study) Italian at the moment.
Why  (she wear) that horrible hat?
It  (rain) in Paris this morning.

Present Simple

I often go to bed later on Sundays.
We sometimes go skiing in winter.
They always visit their friends for New Year.
He doesn't drive a car regularity.

Word Forms

1.    A successful businessman was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor to take over the business. Instead of choosing one of his Directors or his children, he decided to do something different. He called all the young executives in his company together.

      2. A successful businessman decided to choose a new CEO for his company.
He invited his young executives to a meeting.
The businessman gave the each of them a seed to plant.
Jim planted his seed, water it, but there wasn’t a plant.
Six months later Jim had no plant growing.
Everybody else had beautiful flowers and plants.
One year later the executives went back to the CEO.
The businessman told everyone that Jim was new CEO.
The businessman explained that the seeds he gave them were boiled and spoiled.
He was very happy with Jim , because only Jim was brave to show him his empty pot.