Saturday, April 2, 2016

I’m on front of the computer trying to find some information about mobile phones in my country. It seems to me that everyone are using mobile phones all the time, especially teenagers. It is quite surprising that 29%of the population in the country don't have access at home. 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The most expensive jeans and shoes

Jeans have come a long way from their working-class origins. Jeans are no longer reserved for physical labor or college campuses. Today's fashionable blue jeans are acceptable at dinner parties, the office, everywhere, except the most formal events. Jeans can be found in the closets of both billionaires and bikers However, there can be a big difference in their price tags. How much of a difference? A pair of Levi's can be bought for less than $20 at Wal-Mart Stores. Gucci says "Genius Jeans" are the most expensive jeans in the world. A pair of Gucci jeans that had been ripped and covered with African beads, were priced at an astonishing $3,134. Today, there are jeans for more than double that amount. Levi Strauss & Co. spent $46,532 buying a pair of its own jeans. The jeans were found in a Nevada mining town and date back to the 1880s. The company has no plans to resell them, because Levi's says they are priceless and one of a kind.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Haiti Earthquakes 2010

Image result for haiti earthquake 2010

The 2010 Haiti earthquake was a catastrophic earthquakes. The earthquakes killed over 200,000 people. The reason such high numbers of people were killed however in not the earthquake it elf, but the fact that so many buildings collapsed, crushing and trapping in. The reason of crashing and trapping is that technique is expensive and the poorer countries can’t afford so expensive technique. In Haiti roofs are often made of heavy concrete which collapses easily, but research has shown that metal roofs supported on wood are stronger. In Pakistan walls are made from straw. The straw is firmly pressed into blocks and then held together with plastic netting. That is on the inside of the wall of course-the outside of walls are painted and looks completely normal. Many Peru walls are often made from a kind of brick, which is locally-produced and cheap, but these walls crack and collapse very easily.  

Saturday, March 19, 2016

This is the pictures of the upside down house in Poland. It is located in small village in Poland in Szymbark. It took 114 days to build the house. 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Present Continuous

 (you send) an email to Bill now?
 (not go) to work today.
Helen  (not want) a new job.
 (study) Italian at the moment.
Why  (she wear) that horrible hat?
It  (rain) in Paris this morning.

Present Simple

I often go to bed later on Sundays.
We sometimes go skiing in winter.
They always visit their friends for New Year.
He doesn't drive a car regularity.