Monday, March 21, 2016

Haiti Earthquakes 2010

Image result for haiti earthquake 2010

The 2010 Haiti earthquake was a catastrophic earthquakes. The earthquakes killed over 200,000 people. The reason such high numbers of people were killed however in not the earthquake it elf, but the fact that so many buildings collapsed, crushing and trapping in. The reason of crashing and trapping is that technique is expensive and the poorer countries can’t afford so expensive technique. In Haiti roofs are often made of heavy concrete which collapses easily, but research has shown that metal roofs supported on wood are stronger. In Pakistan walls are made from straw. The straw is firmly pressed into blocks and then held together with plastic netting. That is on the inside of the wall of course-the outside of walls are painted and looks completely normal. Many Peru walls are often made from a kind of brick, which is locally-produced and cheap, but these walls crack and collapse very easily.  

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