Saturday, December 5, 2015

Would you like to live in this town? Why?

I want to live in this town. There’s a very beautiful blue sea, rocks and green trees.
This looks like a great place to relax and walk. The most important to me is that there is the sea and the  beaches.
The town looks old and I guess a lot of tourists go to visit it. I would like to live in a house away from the centre in quite place, nearby a beach for example.
 In the mornings I would get up early. I would go swimming, then I would go jogging  along the sandy beaches. After that I would sit outside in my garden and read books forever.
I would have some fruit and vegetable salads until dinner, and then I would go out with friends.
We would probably have dinner on a ship, cruising the sea, with beautiful music. I would be  dancing in the gorgeous starry night.


Where would you prefer to live?

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Burglars'Friends

The Burglars’ Friends
It was 3 o’clock in the morning when four-year-old Russell Brown woke up to go to the toilet. His parents were fast asleep in bed. But when he heard a noise in the living room and saw a light was on, he went downstairs. There he found two men. They asked him his name, and told him they were friends of family. Unfortunately, Russell believed them. They asked him where the video recorder was. Russell showed them, and said they had a stereo and CD player too. The two men carried these to the kitchen. Russell also tell them that his mother kept her purse in a drawer in the kitchen, so they took that. Russell even gave them his pocket money-50p. They finally left at 4 a.m. They said, ‘Will you open the back door while we take these things to the car, because we don’t want to wake up Mummy and Daddy, do we?’ So Russell held the door open for them. He then went back to bed. His parents didn’t know about the burglary until they got up the next day. His father said I couldn’t be angry with Russell because he thought he was doing the right thing. Fortunately, the police caught the two burglars last week. 

Past Continuous and Past Simple

Winning and Loosing, Past Simple and Past Continuous

On 1 August 1976, Niki Lauda was racing to the German grand prix when he had a terrible accident. The weather was bad-it was raining. While Lauda was 

going round the corner, he suddenly lost control of his Ferrari. The car crashed and caught fire. Another driver, Guy Edwards 

was coming toward the corner when he saw Lauda inside the burning car. He stopped and pulled Lauda out.
     It was 17 March 

1984. Thousands of people stood on the banks of the river Thames in London. They waited for the start of the annual Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race. But while the Cambridge boat was going under a bridge it hit another boat. Soon it was clear that the boat sank so they rowed to the bank. The race took place the  next day and Cambridge lost.
      She decided to go surfing with some friends. While she was waiting for a wave, a shark attacked her. The sharks swam away. She started to swim back to the beach. Her friends saw the blood and came to help her. Ten weeks later she took part in a surfing completion.
Practice some more

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The real me

My name is Alexandra. I’m from Macedonia. I’m 15 and I’m in year 10 in high school. I play basketball and learn English. My hobbies are reading books and listening to music. I’m quite hard-working and bit tolerant with friends. However, I’m very shy and impatient.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Are you fearless or phobic?

1.You want to have a shower but there's a big spider you: a- avoid having shower or b- having shower anyway?
2.You are the party and there's a lot of people you don't know: a- decide to leave or b- spend time making new friends?
3.Travelling by plane is very safe but what is your opinion of flying:a-  I can't help feeling nervous or b- I don't mind flying at all.
4.Somebody offers to give you a free ticket to a big rock concert: a-  say no because you can't being in a very large crowd of people or  b- accept the ticket?
5.You're in a lift and it's gets stuck.a-  Do you feel scared because you imagine being in the lift for hours or b-  wait patiently and hope to be free soon?
6.A friend suggests doing a bungee jump a-  do you refuse to do it because you're afraid of height or  b- agree to do it?
If most of your answers are as you're phobic or if most of you answers are bs you're fearless.

Saturday, October 31, 2015



I go to school every day. I’m going to do this exercise. I ‘m speaking English at he moment. I speak English every day. I’m wearing my blue jeans today. I wear my blue jeans every day. I’m doing this exercise at the moment. I do exercises every day. I’m playing computer games at he moment. I play computer games at weekends.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


This is the test who I took today. I don't practice at home for this. This test was very easy to do it. I was writing three times first was F, second C and now is A. I'm so proud to myself because I have A. That is very big success for me and I'm so happy.

Saturday, June 13, 2015


I never buy a ticket for lottery. Many people buy. I'm not interested in that. People buy tickets and never receive anything. That is just losing time. Lottery

Movie plot: The Sleepless in Seattle

Retelling movie plots in the Present Simple Tense:
This movie is about Sam who loses his wife to cancer. His son Jonah, wants to find another wife for his father. At Christmas Eve  Jonah calls a radio show and  Sam,the father talks how he missed his wife. Sam's story touches  many women around the county. A lot of women write letters to Sam. His son finds a letter from Annie. Jonah goes to New York to find Annie. In the end, Sam and Annie are married.

Retelling movie plots in the Past Simple Tense:
This movie was about Sam who lost his wife to cancer. His son Jonah, wanted to find another wife for his father. At Christmas Eve  Jonah called a radio show and  Sam,the father talked how he missed his wife. Sam's story touched  many women around the county. A lot of women wrote letters to Sam. His son found a letter from Annie. Jonah went to New York to find Annie. In the end, Sam and Annie were married.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Why are schools boring??

When I`m in school it`s very boring.I`m just looking at my phone and waiting to go home.The other schools around the world are probably very beautiful.For example,Beverly Hills in Los Angeles.That school is very beautiful. In that school they have everything. The have music bands, drama clubs,some sing in the school, play in the basketball team, go swimming...
I really want to learn in a school like that. Leave me a comment about your school, or your ideal school!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

what to do when you don,t have an idea

My teacher give me homework to write something. I don't know what I should write. Please help me to write something. Please leave your comments. Give me some ideas to write something. Today I practiced English.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

How to start a blog?

Do you have a bog?

If you are interested in  creating a blog you should create it.

It's very interesting because your blog will be read from the people around the world.

They will leave comments on your blog and you will know what they think about your posts.

I have really wanted to create a blog and finally I have it. I'm happy.

If you want to create a blog than create it. Here is how!

All you have to have is a gmail account.

Go to the applications window and search to the blogger icon, the orange one which is capital B.

Choose a tittle to the blog and an address.

Some addresses may be not available, however be creative. Choose an address you will remember, even more take a picture of that sent to your self in your gmail account.

Don' worry you can change the design of your blog anytime you want.

I have selected the travel template.
Do you like it?
Anyway if you need any help here I'm.

Hello people of the world

I'm so happy because I created this blog.

I created it to learn English.

Learning English is very important for me.

You are welcome to comment on my posts, because I should practice English.

Do you have a blog?

Please tell me your address to find your blog.