Saturday, May 9, 2015

How to start a blog?

Do you have a bog?

If you are interested in  creating a blog you should create it.

It's very interesting because your blog will be read from the people around the world.

They will leave comments on your blog and you will know what they think about your posts.

I have really wanted to create a blog and finally I have it. I'm happy.

If you want to create a blog than create it. Here is how!

All you have to have is a gmail account.

Go to the applications window and search to the blogger icon, the orange one which is capital B.

Choose a tittle to the blog and an address.

Some addresses may be not available, however be creative. Choose an address you will remember, even more take a picture of that sent to your self in your gmail account.

Don' worry you can change the design of your blog anytime you want.

I have selected the travel template.
Do you like it?
Anyway if you need any help here I'm.

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